As of this weekend, the greedbag website is non-responsive to changes. In addition to that, the whole office that runs it closed for vacation on Friday the 18th, which means the problem might not be resolved in time, and, subequently, I will not be able to make the Moolight Charm Edition of MUSIC VO LP available at the intended moment

If you wish to get hold of a copy, and tomorrow at 11:02 the edition IS NOT AVAILABLE from the - welcome to reserve your copy by direct e-mail at the usual addresss:

I am determined to celebrate the year's moment, and to maintain the symbolism of the release, so I will be accepting e-mails with reservations from the given time onwards- please, make sure not to write in too early: the number of available copies is limited to 50, and everyone interested should have the same chance. Therefore all emails arriving before 11:02 will not be counted in. So once again - please DO NOT try to reserve your copy in advance.

I have also decided agaisnt the use of the auction-like pricinng scheme this time - it appears to have been technically unreliable, therefore all copies will go at their approximate manufacture cost of 73 GBP, shipping not included. Make sure to provide your name and address with the booking - you will receive a confirmation e-mail from me in return. When the shop staff is back from their vacation, I will supply the list of names and addresses to them and we will to figure out how to request payments. I apologise for the inconvenience. I must admit, the whole process has been extremely demanding as manufacturers and providers in different countries have done everything possible to considerably delay the production and delivery, including the DHL.. Well, it's been a tough year altogether - I wish you all a smoother 2021!


PS: in case of unexpected wonder that enables the release in the web-store - please buy directly from there, do not email me!